Happy Anniversary

It’s our Anniversary! Well, not our official anniversary; on Oct 28th, 1998 WD asked me to be his girlfriend 19 years ago. He was in Holly Springs and I was in Oxford, he was falling for your girl. We were together and not married for so long that this was the only date we ever... Continue Reading →

Friends with No Benefits

Imagine you walk in the house and your man is on the phone with a woman, not his mother, aunt or sister…but another woman. You greet one another with a sweet peck on the lips and he continues talking. You trust him so there is no issue, however he has been on the phone for... Continue Reading →

We Are Family

Couples UnCorked…this is our outlet to normalcy. In this life we are all very different and love is the only thing that connects us to one another. We all want, need and desire love no matter what we say, we all want companionship and comfort from life. (CNN) -- There are 96 million people in... Continue Reading →

We are Back!

We are back, with a new attitude and an enhanced platform. I heard you guys asking when I would do another blog? You asked what is that recipe, where are you two going? I wanted to incorporate all of those questions into our blog and create dialog and recommendations from you as well. I also... Continue Reading →

I Love You

Are you usually a calm person? I am, however there is one thing that always no matter how level headed you are that throws us for a loop…those 3 words, “I Love You”. Some of us thrive in relationships, as nerve racking as they can be. Usually, in the very beginning, everyone’s senses are heightened... Continue Reading →

Wine…its what’s for dinner

What’s for dinner? With it just being us 2 in the house, you would not believe how much we talk about food.  I will admit I love to cook for my Lover, however, I am not up for cooking every day.  When that question comes up…my instant response is wine. However, WD likes wine but... Continue Reading →

Where to??

Alone time with your partner is sometimes very difficult to find. Quick getaways, or light travel is sometimes the only time you can get their undivided attention and get reconnected when little else is on the agenda.  A 3-hour, a day getaway or a few days if we are lucky, it is all very necessary... Continue Reading →

Who Are These People?

I do! When you say I do to the man or woman of your dreams, you are silly, goofy, madly in love with that person, and can’t wait to spend the rest of your days growing old, living, laughing and loving the days to come! There’s one potential problem (bah humbug)… the in-laws. These are the very... Continue Reading →

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