I Love You

Are you usually a calm person? I am, however there is one thing that always no matter how level headed you are that throws us for a loop…those 3 words, “I Love You”. Some of us thrive in relationships, as nerve racking as they can be. Usually, in the very beginning, everyone’s senses are heightened and you are just making sure you do not say the wrong thing. You 2 are going along and the relationship is everything you want it to be and then it feels like time to say “I Love You”, but you are not going to say it first. What if you say it first and he does not say it back? What happens if he does say it? When is a good time to say it? Blurt it out, or Drag it out, with dinner and romance? Whew. This is going to be exhausting.

I, like most women, have decided to wait for him to say it. This is to prevent the embarrassment of literally loving someone that does not love you back. He may be thinking and feeling the same way too-Oh well. We wait!!! So…you wait for him to say it-how long do you wait? Usually when you know you love a person waiting to say I love you is like waiting for the end of a work shift. We are checking that clock every 10 minutes –huh. Keep waiting.

Men on average say I love you first, women wait longer. My theory is we wait until we can barely breathe before we say those magic words. The only cue we have is picking up on your behavior men; and if he has not put you out of your misery (the misery of knowing you love him, and he has not yet murmured those words-to save you the potential embarrassment) then…keep waiting. It is too risky. Us girls are tough, but putting ourselves out there for this portion of the relationship could go really wrong if we are not careful. If you have to wait out the man and say it to him first…do you think, he really loves you, because you had to say it? It all is making me anxious now…and I am married to my love.

Nerves get the best of us, men and women, you can literally hear your heartbeat in your ears. My hearing shuts down and I am turning red when I get nervous, or angry-but that is another topic. My Love said it first…so thankfully I was in the clear to say it although I was feeling it (love) before he said it. It is almost like what is taking you so long fool. The weight has been lifted, well sort of. Now you have to deal with the feelings both of you have expressed. That is a feeling of nervousness that is like I just won an award and it’s you Bae, now what do we do with this thing called love. You have to tell the world, well most of them. Do not tell that jealous girlfriend, she is going to hate-mark my words.

Saying I love you takes that relationship to the next level. You have to be responsible for this person’s heart. Some males and females are reckless with this word, and need to be careful. Crime, in the heat of passion, usually involves love too. We definitely do not want that kind but I digress.

My last point is, men, this is ideally where you play your biggest role, because you hold all the cards, after all us girls can’t propose to ourselves. When you love, the goal is marriage. It doesn’t always work out that way, however, we are not out here loving folks to remain at the beginning of the rainbow. We want the pot of Gold called your heart at the end of the rainbow and it all starts and ends with you, otherwise push-on…LOL. Free us up for Mr. Right. We may go through some Mr. Wrongs to get to Mr. Right, but we can all agree, we know what/who we don’t want.

If you have found your Mr. Right, as I have, tell him you love him as often as you can. How long did it take for you or your mate to say I Love You? Who said I love you first?

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