Where to??

Alone time with your partner is sometimes very difficult to find. Quick getaways, or light travel is sometimes the only time you can get their undivided attention and get reconnected when little else is on the agenda.  A 3-hour, a day getaway or a few days if we are lucky, it is all very necessary for our relationships to grow.  If you have kids, it can be difficult for some, however if you can find a sitter, do so.  The reconnection is essential to maintaining a healthy household.  I want to share some ideas on how we get away, and what we do when we travel. 25% of couples never travel together for leisure purposes according to Marriot.  WD and I are a kid free household so if you are rolling your eyes saying, “easy for you to say” …I know, I know. Some of you are always in the streets, but hopefully something will help you to escape, if you don’t already. Don’t be in that 25%.

A quick getaway for us is easily the beach, we are 30 minutes away, there is food close by, Malibu Seafood and other places up and down the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) that you can literally dine and dash across the highway and get cozy on the beach.  I will add crossing the PCH is the worst form of jaywalking, and goes against everything you were ever taught as a kid about streets and cars. We usually bring our own adult beverages and H2O and hang for a few hours. If you do not have beach access, from our life before LA, we would go downtown, a park, a museum, a river walks, or just a stroll in the neighborhood.  Dining out is always in order, based on your budget.  If you have some hotel points or discounts, going for a cool evening in a different atmosphere is ideal as well. Going on a day of the week or off peak season can be economical. That $400 per night hotel in Las Vegas is $80 bucks on a Wednesday. I like to go places where I can have it all to myself/or ourselves.  The service is way better and usually the perks come along too.   

The long trips are fun, but exhausting.  Around day 3, I am ready for my own bed and I miss my stuff. I will admit it- I miss my stuff; my appliances, my shoes, my clothes and my chair, crazy I know.  WD and I travel well together and usually the journey is so much fun.  We make an informal schedule of events and we try to get out of our comfort zone of only dining and shopping and see what a place has to offer, the history and culture from the area. I am a Groupon customer, I will check the groupon offerings for the place we are going a week in advance, saving money is always ideal and you get try something new. I like a deal, like most folks, if we can maximize a happy hour, count us in.  

Time together can be everyday or any day you feel the need to make your special someone your top priority for a day or even an hour. We are all very busy, but we still need to feel loved and important.  I see your posts, so if you are having a blast- continue, and for those of you watching them do it- social media stalking with your jealous eyes. Make your own memories, and if you don’t have a lover just yet, grab a friend and get out and about.  WD and I will keep sharing, and we want your suggestions on cool places to go.  Where do you go locally to hang with your love in your city?

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